Friday, February 17, 2012

FLY cookies??? Yep.

So what's the story?

CAUTION: Not for weak stomachs!!
 I'm a veterinary student and we are doing a group presentation about Habronemeiasis (a skin infection by worms) and to spice things up a bit, I thought we could have some treats that reflect the very important part of this disease process:

Here's a basic diagram (thanks to Merial) for those remotely interested:
I started with a cheap butterfly cookie cutter...

Flipped that little guy right side over, adjusted the wing angle and added a little fly bottom between the wings.

Once baked, I made some brown icing (not chocolate!) and outlined the body and eyes of the fly. While still wet, I sprinkled some chocolate sprinkles for texture...

Once my outline dried, I could fill in with a darker brown icing and drew my little wings!

Sew. Sweet.


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